Friday, August 6, 2010


By Tim Cameron


John 3:17 (New King James Version)
17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.

How could a loving God create a hell? If a loving God created mankind with a free will and choice....He also gave them the choice between life and death ..heaven or hell.

I have a son...I love him more than anything. I would NEVER want him to die...that's NOT my choice and I have rules set forth for his protection..he's not old enough to drive yet...but when the day does come that he can drive ..I will set forth boundaries ...and one most certainly would be to not drive around a hair pin curve at a high speed. Now if I ..the loving my son a car...give him the keys and allow him the gift of driving a car but he disobeys.....driving his car 100 mph around a curve and it my fault?

God didn't create man for hell...He created man for LIFE and that more abundantly....satan ...followed by man's rebellion created the need for hell. Man's choices created cemetaries....God created Adam and Eve to never die..but gave them the choice....eternal life or forbidden fruit...."the soul that sins shall die" ...but if you sin not will live and never know the rest of the story right? How we can we blame God for a destiny we choose?

Individual sins do NOT send us to Hell they lead us to death..."the soul that sins shall die" but REJECTION of Jesus Christ is what leads us to eternal damnation''

It's like are drowning in a huge body of water (your sins) and a helicopter comes out to where you are...a man jumps down and lifts you up into the helicopter....yet you choose to jump back into the water.

"While we all were yet lost in our sins (drowning) Christ had already died for us" to go to hell you have to "neglect such a great a salvation" You have to Reject Jesus Christ...BUT WHY WOULD YOU?

RIGHT NOW...someone is reading this who is drowning in sin and shame...your bound in addictions...alcohol, meth, coke, porn, lust or whatever it may be and those things are tearing your life apart...

I once heard a story of a young man who was surfing and fell off his surfboard and was overcome with the waves crashing down and began to drown

His mother was there as were his friends and began to scream for the lifeguards on please help save the young man

quickly a lifeguard ran to the edge of the shore and then stopped....watching the young man fight for his life...

The mom became livid and screamed "PLEASE" "HELP" "PLEASE" ...but still the lifeguard just stood there...watching UNTIL

...the young man's strength was gone.. and with one last gasp he screamed for HELP .and he began to go under

The Lifeguard dove into the water and rescued the young man

bringing him back to safety and saving his life

However the Mother, though Relieved, sternly asked the lifeguard...WHY Did you take so long to save my son's life??

The Lifeguard replied, mam I had to wait til he stopped trying to save himself and lost all strength because If I didn't he would have drowned us both

....This World and it's vices have grabbed ahold of you and are sucking you under.....And your reaching and striving ...for anything to save you....but you've reached out for Meth, or "Bliss" or Jack Daniels...and now you've gotten to a point where you're having to lie and steal to get another fix,...take another drink.....and nothing will stop you........but YOUR DROWNING...The Flood waters are rising .....

Man, I've been there.....I know what it's like to "have to have something" take that edge start with 6 pack a night or this pill or that pill ..."just to sleep" you say to justify

but then ..."it's not enough" you bump up to something stronger....and it's stronger for sure...

you can't remember how you made it to the bed the night before..."what did I do? ..your world spins....your soooo tired can I make through work....."take this" it'll get ya through.....but it's sucking you under instead....cause you'll need more and something stronger ...and it cost you more than you can pay

how can I get to another high, how can I get to another drink?

Waves are crashing...your marriage is falling apart, your about to lose your job if you haven't've alienated everyone who'd be there to've betrayed their trust and lied to their face...FOR A HIGH...but have really hit an all time low

your anxiety level is off the charts..your heart races, your head pounds....your lost and dying and unable to save yourself.....

Where is HOPE?????

There's a lifeguard....He's standing on the shore...watching and waiting...other's ON YOUR BEHALF have beckoned him (a mom or grandma's prayers)

But YOU Have to Cry out ..."JESUS Save ME" ...

right you read this, if this person is you....and you hear this and say "yeah but for real....what can I really do?"

Get off this computer...get onto your knees and humble yourself and acknowledge you need SAVING

Don't be proud, don't lie to yourself no more....Get Real.....ADMIT THAT YOU

you are that person drowning in the lake (of sin) and Jesus has come to You and is reaching down to where you are at...Take Hold of His Hand and NEVER LET GO and I promise you this He WILL NEVER LET GO OF YOU!!!!!

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