PART TWENTY-FIVE: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government
Editor's note: All notations will be cited when this series of articles have concluded. The information is based on research contained in Tom Horn's upcoming new book:
The Lost Symbol Found And The Final Mystery Of The Great Seal Revealed
A Terrifying And Prophetic Cipher, Hidden From The World By The U.S. Government For Over 200 Years Is Here
When Apollo/Osiris/Nimrod, Son of Lucifer, Shall Come
Seek ye where the broken twig lies and the dead stick molds away, where the clouds float together and the stones rest by the hillside, for all these mark the grave of Hiram [Osiris] who has carried my Will with him to the tomb. This eternal quest is yours until ye have found your Builder, until the cup giveth up its secret, until the grave giveth up its ghosts. No more shall I speak until ye have found and rasied my beloeved Son [Osiris], and have listened to the words of my Messenger and with Him as your guide have finished the temple which I shall then inhabit. Amen.—Manly P. Hall, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Prologue
Recently on a business trip to Washington DC, I and one of my colleagues met with two current members of the Scottish Rite Freemasonry (whose names I will not reveal), who have unrestricted access to all but the most secret and highest guarded documents of the Order. I joined one of them at The House of the Temple, the headquarters building of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction, where the Rite’s Supreme Council, 33rd Degree, have their meetings, and the other at the George Washington Masonic Memorial in Alexandria, Virginia. While both men were very helpful and informative, they were evasive whenever I probed too deeply into certain areas. I suppose this is not surprising, given that Masons are sworn to secrecy under blood oaths of horrific repercussion, including having their throats slit, eyeballs pierced, tongues torn out, feet flayed, bodies hacked into pieces, and so on if they give up the wrong information. Perhaps this is why at one point, one of the men I conferred with became visibly nervous as soon as I started asking specific questions about Masonic religious practices, which would include secret rituals that are performed in the Temple Room on the third floor at the House of the Temple, and the hidden meaning behind the name of their deity—the Great Architect of the Universe.
What most in the public do not understand is that, in spite of denial by some Masons, theirs is a religious institution with rituals and specific prophetic beliefs concerning a human-transforming final world order, founded on and maintained by dozens of doctrines that can be defined by what “Masonry’s greatest philosopher,” Manly P. Hall, in The Lost Keys of Freemasonry called “the principles of mysticism and the occult rites.” The reason lower-degree Masons would deny this is because the Masters of the Craft intentionally mislead them. Speaking of the first three degrees of Freemasonry, Albert Pike admitted in Morals & Dogma:
The Blue Degrees are but the outer court or portico of the Temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to the initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand them; but it is intended that he shall imagine he understands them. Their true explication is reserved for the Adepts, the Princes of Masonry.… It is well enough for the mass of those called Masons to imagine that all is contained in the Blue Degrees; and whoso attempts to undeceive them will labor in vain, and without any true reward violate his obligations as an Adept.
At these lower degrees, most members of Freemasonry belong to what is maintained as a fraternal organization that simply requires belief in a “Supreme Being” while avoiding discussion of politics and religion in the lodge, using metaphors of stonemasons building Solomon’s temple to convey what they publicly describe as “a system of morality veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols.” I’ve known several of these type Masons, all of whom were sincere members of society who worked together in a brotherhood for common benefit and to pool resources for charitable goals. None of these lower-degree Masons with whom I have been acquainted would ever, insofar as I know, participate in a conspiracy toward a global world order in which people will be politically and spiritually enslaved. But as one former Freemason friend (a US attorney known to many) told me, “This is the veneer of the lower degrees that exists on the Order’s public face. What is happening with at least some of the members at the 33rd level, or among the York Rite Knights Templar and the Shriners, is another matter altogether. When I was part of the brotherhood,” he continued, “I watched as specific members with the correct disposition and ideology were identified, separated, groomed, and initiated into the higher degrees for reasons you would find corresponding with the goals of a New World Order.”
Famous Freemason Foster Bailey once described how the Masons not included among this elite are unaware of an “Illuminati” presence among Master Masons, who in turn are the guardians of a secret “Plan”:
Little as it may be realised by the unthinking Mason who is interested only in the outer aspects of the Craft work, the whole fabric of Masonry may be regarded as an externalisation of that inner spiritual group whose members, down the ages, have been the Custodians of the Plan.… These Master Masons, to whom TGAOTU [The Great Architect of the Universe] has given the design and Who are familiar with the tracing board of the G.M. [Grand Master] on high, are…sometimes known as the Illuminati and can direct the searchlight of truth wherever its beams are needed to guide the pilgrim on his way. They are the Rishis of the oriental philosophy, the Builders of the occult tradition.”
Part of the carefully guarded Illuminati “Plan” Bailey referred to involves the need for each Mason to navigate the meaning behind the various rituals in order to discover the secret doctrine of Masonry involving the true identity of deity and what this means now and for the future (which is unveiled for the first time publicly in my upcoming book as reflected in the true Lost Symbol and the prophecy of the Great Seal of the United States). Manly Hall, who rightly called the Great Seal “the signature” of that exalted body of Masons who designed America for a “peculiar and particular purpose,” described these two kinds of Masons as members of a “fraternity within a fraternity,” the elect of which are dedicated to a mysterious arcanum arcandrum (a “sacred secret”) unknown to the rest of the Order:
Freemasonry is a fraternity within a fraternity—an outer organization concealing an inner brotherhood of the elect. …it is necessary to establish the existence of these two separate yet independent orders, the one visible and the other invisible. The visible society is a splendid camaraderie of “free and accepted” men enjoined to devote themselves to ethical, educational, fraternal, patriotic, and humanitarian concerns. The invisible society is a secret and most august fraternity whose members are dedicated to the service of a mysterious arcanum arcandrum. Those brethren who have essayed to write the history of their craft have not included in their disquisitions the story of that truly secret inner society which is to the body Freemasonic what the heart is to the body human. In each generation only a few are accepted into the inner sanctuary of the work…the great initiate-philosophers of Freemasonry are…masters of that secret doctrine which forms the invisible foundation of every great theological and rational institution.
Among dedicatories to those who support this “invisible” secret doctrine, there is a memorial alcove in the heart of the House of the Temple called the “Pillars of Charity.” Here, between two vaults on either side—one containing the exhumed remains of former Sovereign Grand Commander Albert Pike and the other containing Sovereign Grand Commander John Henry Cowles, marked by busts of each man on marble pedestals—a stained-glass window depicts the all-seeing eye above the words “Fiat Lux” emitting thirty-three beams of light downward onto the phrase “ordo ab chao” from ancient craft Masonic doctrine, “order out of chaos.”
In between meetings with the anonymous Masons who met with me during research for this book, I stepped into this shrine and read the names of those who are hallowed there on reflective golden inscriptions for contributing at least one million dollars to advance the cause of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, including the George Bush family, whose work to initiate the New World Order is universally understood.
At the House of the Temple, like elsewhere, “The Brotherhood of Darkness” (as my friend Dr. Stanley Monteith calls it) intentionally hides in plain sight the occult aspirations of universalism, which ultimately will be conceived in a one-world order and one-world religion under the son of Lucifer—Apollo/Osiris/Nimrod—or, as Manly Hall put it:
The outcome of the “secret destiny” is a World Order ruled by a King with supernatural powers. This King was descended of a divine race; that is, he belonged to the Order of the Illumined for those who come to a state of wisdom then belong to a family of heroes-perfected human beings.
When Hall offered this astonishingly perceptive commentary about the future Masonic “King” who is “descended of a divine race” of “Illumined” (Luciferic) “heroes-perfected” (half-man, half-god) human beings, he nailed exactly what the Watchers had done, and what the Cumaean Sibyl’s Great Seal prophecy says will occur concerning the coming of Apollo/Osiris/Nimrod. In my new book Apollyon Rising 2012 (which I am feverishly trying to get finished for the editors this weekend) it is revealed for the first time how all this is fantastically encoded—using ancient alchemical symbolism—on the grandest scale inside as well as right out in the open—in the midst of the world’s most powerful nation… and at the world’s most powerful church, where the true Lost Symbol is written in stone. Forget what Dan Brown’s new book says, we are talking the greatest conspiracy of all time winding down toward the year 2012.
Have the keepers of this secret destiny of America also hidden in public view the timing of their king’s arrival? They did, and the entire prophecy—who, what, when, and where—is openly ciphered within several Masonic artifacts: the national cipher known as the Great Seal of the United States, in the Womb of Isis, and in the “key” known as The Lost Symbol. The means to understanding when the novus ordo seclorum shall enthrone its Apollonian leader may have also been known by Hall, as he correctly noted that the “unfinished pyramid” upon the seal’s reverse side is the “trestleboard setting forth symbolically the task to the accomplishment of which the United States Government was dedicated from the day of its inception.”
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