It's Witchcraft! Harry Potter Pushing Same-Sex Marriage
Got questions about life, death, politics or religion? How about one on the topic of "gay" marriage? It's time for WWDD. That's not a typo on the familiar WWJD -- "What Would Jesus Do?" -- a theme among Christians. It stands for "What Would Dumbledore Do?" a new move to answer such questions and spark "social change" through the "teachings" available in the Harry Potter witchcraft books and movies. The campaign has begun specifically promoting "gay" marriage... Alliance Executive Director Andrew Slack wrote, "In just two weeks, millions of theater goers will watch the shocking death of Harry's mentor Albus Dumbledore followed by Harry stating that Dumbledore will live on in all who remain loyal to his spirit. "Although Dumbledore is a fictional character, his presence remains real in the hearts of Harry Potter fans and his message, much like the message of such real life figures as Nelson Mandela and the Dalai Lama, is needed in our world." Moviegoers are being encouraged to share a lesson that Dumbledore taught them, and various fan sites are asking their supporters to "tweet" Dumbledore "with the hope that each time people do, they'll think of what he stood for and how he lives on in each of us." Ultimate, the 100 online lessons "articulate how Dumbledore's values can be translated to our personal lives."
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